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For review requests contact on twitter @SprtBookReviews or drop me a mail on allsportsbooksreviews@gmail.com. Also sign up to my newsletter at allsportsbooksreviews.substack.com

I love sport.  And I love books.  And I particularly love books about sport.  The best ones are about so much more, of course, and sport is often the best platform for understanding a person, a group, a time or a place.

I’m always looking for recommendations of sports books – particularity any obscure ones I may not have heard of.  I’ve read 100’s more before I started the blog, but in time I’d like to re-read any of the good ones.

I don’t claim to be a particularly good writer, and the blog posts are generally positive – mostly because I don’t deliberately seek out books I know I won’t enjoy. 

Hopefully as the number of reviews grows, I’ll find more interesting commonalities among sports books to discuss.   So far, I’ll lay claim to ‘Howe’s Law’ –  a requirement that any book covering English football in the 70’s to 90’s period will invariably mention the late, great, Don Howe – former Arsenal and England coach. The ‘law’ was even quoted in a book about Don Howe!

I try to tweet about sports books in general at @SprtBookReviews  and post a copy of each review.  Any comments on the site or reviews, find me on twitter or drop me a mail on allsportsbooksreviews@gmail.com.

I’m always looking for new books to read and review and always happy to hear from publishers / authors looking for an honest review.

Happy reading,
